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BBIH Vision & Values

TO DEVELOP engaged and resilient young people who positively contribute to their communities and who understand their responsibilities as citizens

TO MAINTAIN AND IMPROVE the ‘Quality of Education’ through clear intent and measurable impact

TO IMPROVE the life chances and social capital of students, particularly the disadvantaged, through an inclusive approach to the curriculum, teaching and learning

TO CREATE opportunities for students to develop leadership skills through engagement with higher education and the professional workplace.

STUDENTS will be self-regulating in overcoming challenge and negotiating solutions

TO WIDEN participation and robustly support social mobility through ensuring that high numbers of students move on to destinations within universities and HEIs or onto further training through high-quality careers and progression guidance

BBIH offers a curriculum that fills this gap with an occupational, business driven curriculum that links with their ‘real lives’ and aspirations; rather than the disconnect they may experience with current traditional academic routes or low level vocational pathways.

BMAT Vision & Values

Trust agenda driven by:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the principals to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the schools and making sure its money is well spent.

As trustees of a charity, academy trustees must comply with the following duties:

  • Compliance – they must ensure that the charity’s resources are used for the charitable purpose and that the charity complies with the law and its governing document i.e. the articles of association.
  • Care – they should take reasonable care in their work. In practice it simply means ensuring that the academy trust is managed efficiently and effectively. It also means considering the need for professional advice on matters where there may be material risk to the charity.
  • Prudence – they must act responsibly, making sure that the academy trust’s assets are protected and used for the benefit of the charity. The trustees must make sure that the academy trust is solvent and keeps appropriate financial records. These requirements are reflected in the funding agreement and Financial Handbook.